Sunday, November 22, 2009

Take 1: Datuk Lim Kim Chuan

This is Datuk Lim Kim Chuan, or more famously known as KC Lim. This person forms the core TTG or shall we say, the TTG Council.

We will identify him as TTG CEO.


  1. Agree 100 % . All TTG members have a dreadful disease which will grow like cancer . All those infedted will look at anything that the church does in a negetive light . I have seen many . To those who still profess to be neutral stop making fools of your self . The bible says that the Lord says that if you are not hot nor cold ie lukewarm I will spit you out . Those who are even friends with any of the TTG emembers need not be friends with anyone else. They are completely useless .

    Many non christians are laughing all the way because of the article . Absolute morons .

  2. in a way, i am saddened by the fact that someone or some people chose to "disgrace" calvary church to claim that they love calvary church.

    let's just say we managed to settle the problems tomorrow. yes tomorrow! TTG is happy, calvary is happy, everyone is happy. unfortunately, the public or even the government would had already been ingrained with bad thoughts in their minds about calvary or worse still, that all christians or churches are corrupt!

    the fact that someone chose to "disgrace" church is a clear reflection and indication of their thoughts but nothing is impossible in the eyes of God. Let us pray instead...

    if God receives a sinner back into His arms with grace and mercy, i believe in the same way, let us be forgiving. i know this sounds crazy but that's how our God works.

    They might not realize how much pain they had caused but i really hope they will see the light one day. i will not give up on them the same way, i will not give up praying for my parents who are not christians to be saved by our Lord and saviour.

  3. Melbournian CalvariteDecember 23, 2009 at 6:02 PM

    We are saved to do God's will - share the Good News. next I would say among alot of other "Do"s is as instructed by the Word is to tithe and support the Church [in kind and prayers]. Our duty is to give and NOT "audit" where the funds go nor how it's spent. That's the responsibility of the BOD and Pastors under the influence of the Holy Spirit. They ARE accountable to GOD and God alone 'cause it's His. Of course one has to abide by the laws of the country, that's why there is AGMs and BOD elections.

    Should, I say SHOULD there be any misappropriation of funds or mismanagement, God with deal with those responsible. Who are we to judge esp. on God's annointed and appointed ones.

    Excecise the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and not your self interest/ego. Satan is happy with what you have done (TTG)and your continuation will only please the evil one more.

    Go to another church where you are comfortable with the leadership - for Goodness sake and leave the Calvary church alone to focus on it's vision.

    Goodwill to Man!!!
