Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Call for Prayer Revival Meeting

Many times we have heard our leaders say that building CCC is not just constructing a building but we are building people.

When are we going to understand that building CCC has made us a huge target for the enemy, the attacks from the enemy has resulted in confusions, disunity and all the troubles we are now facing?

Now how do we move on?

I believe there’s only one way -> Have a weekly Prayer Revival Meeting – every Friday(or Saturday) – change the whole format of a standard prayer meeting – no more praying in group of 2 or 3, no more praying for the items shown on the screen, no more praying for the world or some church located thousands of mile from KL.

The whole format should be -> The congregation on their knees, begging God for deliverance and fulfillment of God’s desire for Calvary Church – this should take precedence that any other prayer meeting format now. Do this now – today is the Day that the Lord has made – not tomorrow or once in 3 month prayer emphasis or whatever.

Make it compulsory for the people to fast for 1 meal while praying – we should bang the doors of heaven until God answers us. There should not be any time or schedule for the prayer meeting, if led by Holy Spirit – we should continue praying as long as the Lord wants, until 12am or even longer. The church leaders should be fully committed to this by example – they should be the last person to leave. The prayer of the righteous avails much.

Let’s tears flow freely, let groaning, let screaming and let shouting and let singing and let pseaking in tongues and let worship and let jumping and let rolling and let dancing and let whatever else – as led by the Holy Spirit – freely flow…

Honestly – this Prayer Revival Meeting should be held on Saturdays not Friday, so why I suggested Friday you might ask…. Well I am as demoralized as many of you and in need of encouragement – Friday fits better on my schedule – and if the Prayer Revival Meetings are held on Saturdays then I need to make a lot of changes to my schedule and my preference of spending time with friends and family on Saturdays. But isn’t Revival the total opposite of that – that we sacrifice everything to God! Our time, our money our energy – shouldn’t we sacrifice a part of it to God?

Time spending with Friends – NO – I need to seek God and be part of the greatest awakening that CC has ever experienced…

Time with Family – NO – I need to seek God and be part of the greatest awakening that CC has ever experienced …

Time sitting in front of the TV – NO – I need to seek God and be part of the greatest awakening that CC has ever experienced …

Time resting – NO – I need to seek God and be part of the greatest awakening that CC has ever experienced …

Time for Golf – NO – I need to seek God and be part of the greatest awakening that CC has ever experienced …

Some church leader might say – coming together for prayer on Saturday night would be very tiring for the leaders, since they would be serving on the next day and some pastors preaching 2-3 times. Like I said – sacrifice – we need to see a great awakening in our church. Great awakening… and nothing less.

Do we… want to see CCC’s completion… then get on bended knees

Do we… want to see CC and the fountain head church… then get down on bended knees

Do we… want to see the glory and the name of Jesus lifted high… then get down on bended knees

Do we… want to see all the troubles gone and peace restored…then get down on bended knees

Do we… want to see enthusiasm restored… then get down on bended knees

The congregations need to see our Senior Pastor, Associate Pastors, Deacons and all leaders praying on their knees with tears rolling down freely – yes it is indeed an humbling experience – this is the only way for Revival. Yes we are aware that you do this in your closets but no more please – come out into the public and show us by example.

Are we worried about what the neighbors will think? Come on – there are people dragging us to the Web and Newspapers, some complains from the neighbor will not create a huge impact. If need be we should turn off the sound systems since if it actually we as a church praying for deliverance and conclusion.

I want CC to move on, not get more entangled by more legal proceedings or dissatisfied members. The church needs to move on to make reality the desire of God Almighty for the CC.
Let’s march until the walls of Jericho crumbles down.

Finally – I would like to dedicate this song to CC:-


  1. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!! Well said! Congratulations!

    I wished our pastors would read this blog and hear our cries. We could all see the problem and easily we could see the solution. The solution is an earnest prayer to heaven and to be honest with ourselves in our prayers.

    We have been having cotton-candy feel-good prayer meetings for so long. Last week's meeting lasted a mere 65 minutes. How can we see a difference in CC unless we groan and moan and seek God with all our hearts on our knees?

    So, what you said, was what was in my heart for a very very long time now. I am glad I am not alone in this, and somebody actually felt the same way. and my cliques felt the same way too.

    Dear pastors, if you are reading this, please know that we will come out and support you to pray together on our knees for healing for our brothers and sisters who have left the church, as well as for the bodies of Christ. Yes, we still consider the TTG as part of us, and we want them to be healed too. WE will come up in hundreds to join you for prayer for healing for the church.

    Just get it done!

    And oh yeah, please throw away your program sheets! They are what tied God's hands all these while. Thank you!

    Nowstand, keep up the good work!!

  2. I like how you put things in perspective. You're not alone. I share the same heart felt thoughts as you. My family and I felt that our pastors have failed to acknowledge the problem, hence the lack of prayers.

    Yes, please call for a revival meeting. And yes, please throw away the agenda. Let God lead the prayer meeting. Otherwise, it's a man-made and man-led prayer meeting. And that is very lifeless.

  3. Nowstand, please convey this to our pastors. We will be on our knees only if the ones on the pulpit stop talking and start kneeling instead. Thanks.

  4. I have been following this blog for sometime, the administrator seems to have been touched by God only recently, because most of the previous month's post seems to be very provocative, so I did not bother commenting.

    But this post and some recent post are clearly guided by the word of God.

    I fully agree this post and hope the leaders will take heed. This is our cry and our desire.

    I was also surprise that only 3 people commented so far, maybe this blog is not known to the members, time to email people and make this blog known.

    Please email everyone you know about this blog, mentioning the recent post.

    We need more people conveying this call for Prayer Revival meeting to our leaders...

  5. "The prayer of one righteous man avails much." "For when two or three come together in My name there am I in the midst of them"

    You don't have to wait until the church calls for a revival type prayer meeting. Gather in your homes, be it two or three, and pour your heart out to God. It only takes a spark to get a fire going. Don't lay it on the church alone. Start with two or three.

  6. Dear "A pastor",

    Why can't the church do it then?
    How do you know we are not doing it in our own homes already? Should't we do it in our spiritual homes also?

  7. Dear - A Pastor,

    I think you don't understand the seriousness of the matter and msg that the author is trying to give, it's like you saying - why come to church, since you are getting weekly message from LG's.

  8. Sorry. Don't mean to cause any upsets here. I know it's frustrating at times when things don't go the way we want or hope for, like the church calling for the "special" praying times? Sometimes we just have to do what we can and hope in God. God can work, with or without us praying, or even if it just one of us who is praying. Perhaps in due time the church will call for special prayer times. Till then, I am just saying ... do what you can. Gather in homes and cry your hearts out to God. And I did not suggest that you did not. I am sure there are many who would have. I am just saying ... in the meantime.

    I am not from Calvary, and I have been praying for you all. What the TTG group did and stands for, they couldn't be right. I have known your SP a long time though not in a very personal sense. I both love and respect pastor G and sis. Petrina. And Calvary Church has blessed my life too! I believe Calvary's greatest victory is not in the past but in the days ahead. Perhaps now is a time for perseverance and put on quiet trust and confidence in the Lord? But that's just my thoughts.

    This blog is rather ... unique. I like the way the author expresses his/her thoughts and the fruits accompanying. Hope it can remain such.

    And again, my apologies if I had upset some of you with my thoughts here and previous. Just in case you "cast a stone at me" I have been praying all alongside you guys. With or without a revival-type praying, God is still at work. Perhaps, like in the days of old, God may call the church to rise up for a fasting and praying time? Maybe this blog can be that call? Be rest assured. God is not surprised by the happenings in Calvary. He is always in control.

    I will refrain from posting my comments henceforth. I will just follow this blog and pray. Like in the Korean movies, they would say ... "fighting"! Ha...ha... That's their way of saying, "Hang in there. Fight on. We can make it." God bless.
