Monday, June 14, 2010

Credibility – A letter from a Reader and Online Observer.


In a general point of view, the TTG are lacking credibility due to the following reasons:-

  1. CT- this website/blog is evidently managed by a group of former CA’s. These are a group of youngster with the task of communication integrators where they act as the middle person between the TTG core leaders and the general public. These people monitor the blog and allow only for certain comments to be published in the site without any regards to the word of God or any God given principles. Just try this out, go to their comments sections and comments something bad about the church leadership, they will happily publish your comments. However when you comment something good or even a testimony that you have been blessed by so and so‘s preaching – all the best to you in seeing your comments published. The irony is the TRUTH, TRANSPERANCY and GOVERNANCE Champions depend on CT’s administrator to get the message across to their supporter and other interested parties. It’s like how Jesus described in Luke 5:36-39. TTG your approach in having CT especially its administrators is strategically wrong. We all know how lopsided they are. I use to think that CT is managed by some anti-Christian or anti-church groups, however to my dismay I found out only recently that its young people who are behind the blog.
  2. The church leadership (+ deacons) have taken many measures in addressing the issues/concerns raise by the TTG (well in the initial stages – I was impressed by them also) and surely the TTG will get a big pat on the back for their effort. However the TTG has failed miserably to accept the changes, reconcile and move on for the betterment of the church. They have not acknowledged the progress and the effort by the church leaders. They are adamant in their ways in escalating the issue and concerns without any regards to the consequences whatsoever. The TTG is like a human body but without the ability to absorbs or hear. Only one part of their body is dominion over all else that is their TONGUE. Their words are louder than their action.
  3. The TTG + CT eagerly cling to anyone and anything that is against the church and its leadership, a good example is one of its leaders called Mr. Bamboo. This person is an outsider (i.e. not a calvarite) that seems to have a huge voice in the inner circle of the TTG leaders. Due to the lack of support within congregation.
  4. The TTG has been stubborn in its ways without accepting or acknowledging every effort by the leaders. Not a single pinch of humility shown. This is very obvious in all the AGM and EGMs. The motto – I know it all, I know what is best for you. Even though so many church members have conveyed our message to them, via email, letter, sms, mms, comments, face to face, they think we are pro- so and so, hence our voice is biased. They just never listen and never understand our desire – the church at large.
  5. The TTG have this prayer meeting in Taman Seputeh, it’s more like a cult meeting, they have this prophecy session where one of the sister will prophecy that whatever done by the TTG is endorsed by God and God is on their side and at the end they cry out in tears of joy to God for strengthening them. Ok all fine and good, however each and every prophetic word need to act as a confirmation in your heart and seconded by the literal word of God.
  6. The TTG are never seen in any of the church meetings, they can only be seen on the day the AGM or EGM are held, you can never see them in prayer meeting, holding another bother or sister’s hand and praying for our church. You can never see them in any of the church activities. They are a separate group on their own. They have forsaken the church.
  7. Finally the worst of their calls: TOTT – stands for turn of the tap – i.e. stop giving to the church. They list a list of lies in supporting this call. I will just say this and I rest my case. THIS IS COMPLETELY UNBIBLICAL.

For those of you in Church Camp – what a wonderful time we had.

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