Tuesday, April 27, 2010
No Real Victory
We have become Pharisees-tical in our ideologies and theologies. We have boxed God and taught others to do the same. We claim to be better Christians than others who disagree with us and we claim to know God better.
We have been guilty of spreading anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and our choice of words are full of malice and evil intention – and we did them all in the name of Christ.
We have published our faults for the world to see. We tried garnering as much support as we can and get the world to pity us and talk about us – in a very unChrist-like manner. And we claim that what we do is approved by God.
The TTG came to visit Calvary Church last Friday, thinking they could make a difference perhaps? When the offering bag was passed around, some people were making a mockery out of it.
Didn’t Christ said in Matthew 5:23-24 says, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. FIRST go and BE RECONCILED to your brother; then come and offer your gift.”
How is it that some can come with long sulky papaya faces? The TTG seems to have ignored that there is a group of people who do not welcome the damages they have done to the church. TTG, if you are reading this, can you just stop whatever you are doing?
To the pastors and leaders of Calvary Church, you did a great job by making personal calls to all your members last week. They all came and attended the prayer meeting – it showed that they are still giving you their support. But did you hear how the church situation is damaging all the ministries across the church?
Some ministries have to be disbanded because there were not enough supporters already by now. The members have left. Some ministries have dwindled so much that it is discouraging everyone in the church. Church members are demoralized. Their support is thinning. At one point or another, the thought crossed their minds, “what am I still doing in this church? Where is my church leaders bringing me to? Shall I stay or shall I leave?”
And they are leaving. Before you know it, an event or an incident would trigger an exodus of people leaving. The pews are emptying at a fast rate. If this goes on for another year, what would happen to us in one year’s time?
Dear leaders, please do something fast. Please care for your declining attendance. Please care for your people. Please do something more spiritually solid. Trying to solve the problem with your secular and management ways have proven to bring you half-baked results. Please consult God and do the right thing. Come on, bang heaven with prayers and fasting. No, not TV-fasting or Internet-fasting, or MSN-fasting. We meant fasting from food! The ones mentioned throughout the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. Don’t convenient the people so much that you have to dilute God’s teaching in such superficial way. It is quite shallow we felt.
Dear TTG, please, some of us would like you out of the picture. We will deal with our senior pastors our way. We do not need you to bring your new cult into our church. This church is not your home church anymore. Please go away – and stay away. We do not need you to fight for us, in fact, we did not request you to fight for us. You did not get the majority’s vote to fight for us.
Dear TTG, please do not teach others your new ideologies on forgiveness. Forgiveness comes with no condition. Jesus did not teach that at all. It is not in the Bible. If forgiveness comes with some terms and conditions, looks like I do not qualify for God’s gift of salvation either. Based on the comments that you approved, looks like the disciples and apostles would not qualify either. Hey, just a reminder though, Peter denied Jesus 3 times and Saul persecuted the Christian church zealously!
Dear regular worshippers who are still in Calvary Church and you are not happy with our church, please spend more time praying for our pastors and for the deacons as well as for the church. We do not want any bad things to happen to anyone – whether in TTG or in Calvary.
We just want healing and reconciliation.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Christian Hate
By Ron Graham
“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” Proverbs 6:16 – 19.
Human beings commit the aforementioned abominations all the time. They are nothing new, neither to man nor to God. The writer of the above proverb makes it abundantly clear that God is not at all pleased with these seven weaknesses attributed to us humans. Quite matter-of-factly we’re told God hates them. Strong word hate, especially when attributed to a loving and merciful God. We might be confused after reading such an account about God our Savior; it just doesn’t seem to fit who He is. God hates? I’m perplexed. Yet most Christians know that God’s word is true, and as such we can, and should, realize He does hate all He considers abominations.
Equally puzzling for the non-believer that is, is a reaction of hate or even borderline hate from a follower of Jesus Christ. The analysis of a Christian’s hateful attitude by nonbelievers whenever they encounter said hateful Christian would be one that would most assuredly condemn the whole of Christendom.
Christians should also find all that God refers to as abominations just as offensive even admitting to “hating” all that God abhors. But never are we to hate the people whose lives are consumed with committing these abominations. An attitude of hate displayed by a believer in Christ would certainly be offensive to God.
Was there ever a time during Jesus’ ministry when He exhibited hatred toward another person? What about Jesus’ enemies? “And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him..., Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do...” Luke 23:33a-34a. Jesus, during His ministry, was intent on leading everyone He could into an understanding of what the Kingdom of God was all about. During His ministry Jesus encountered hate everywhere, but since He is God he never displayed the slightest hint of hate. He was adamant about forgiveness even to those who nailed Him to that cross.
What then should we do when people display hatred towards us? “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” Matthew 5:43-44. If Christian’s haven’t learned this simple truth by the time they are off milk and have moved on to the meat of the word then they had better go back and start again. The command to “love thy enemy” is one of the foundational tenets of our Christian faith. It’s one of the first things we learn as a new believer in Christ, never to be forgotten or half-heartedly adhered to. We don’t go around murdering abortion doctors because they are murdering babies in the womb, that would be repaying evil for evil. We should pray for them and ask God to convict and change their hearts.
Shedding of innocent blood can certainly be referring to the wholesale murder of babies in the womb. Just imagine how this atrocity must grieve God; followers of Jesus Christ should be just as incensed at this evil. We should hate this atrocity and be involved in movements that are trying, through peaceful means, to stop such action. But we should never take such desperate action against a fellow human being as to kill them for their participation in these atrocities. Such an extreme response would mean we were allowing hate (Satan) to have authority over our minds and bodies instead of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.
Hate is ugly, it’s an ugly word and it’s an ugly reaction. Hate will permeate the body of a believer and destroy their very soul if it’s allowed to fester like an open sore. Many people hate Christians, nothing new in that statement. But how should a Christian react to hatred when it is aimed explicitly at them? The knee jerk worldly reaction is to strike back with everything we have as we defend ourselves.
As believers, if we are being physically harmed or attacked we should defend ourselves and our families; we would be remiss if we didn’t. But hatred expressed verbally is only words, and if that be the extent of our harassment our reaction should be one of piety accompanied with prayer. Even if we find ourselves capable of outwitting an antagonist through superior intellect, love for that person should be expressed through whatever actions we display. Nothing good can be accomplished through an attitude that even remotely resembles hate.
Over the past few years we’ve probably all become painfully aware of a Christian cult based in Kansas which can’t seem to keep their church and its members out of the news. Why? Because they seem to be filled with hate. This group of individuals, who erroneously stake claim to the blood of Christ, continually spew hatred at funerals of fallen military personal as they are being laid to rest. They actually turn up at these funerals of our fallen hero’s and chant and wave ugly hateful signs while disrupting the service and offending the loved ones who are of course grief stricken. This Christian Cult has taken hatred to a whole new level, all the while denying the love of Christ through their deplorable actions. If one can call these folks Christians then they would be the embodiment of Christian hate.
God watched as man beat, spit upon, humiliated, and then murdered His only begotten Son. Most humans would retaliate against those who participated in that horror of hate, but not God. God doesn’t hate His creation, He loves us. People who promote hate towards others are not of God. As a matter of fact they can’t possibly even have read and understood God’s word and still spew hatred. It’s not possible for born again believers to follow God’s precepts and hate anyone. To love our enemies is a commandment not a suggestion.
Some people hate for no reason, others have a ton of reasons yet none of them valid in God’s eyes. If God tells you to love those who hate and persecute you then love must be the key. Have you ever tried to hate someone you love? It’s not possible. Yes you can have arguments, even long disagreements, you can become discouraged and even get mad and frustrated with them, but if you love them you can’t hate them. God knew that simple truth and that’s why He commands us to love our enemies. Hate cannot grow or even survive in an atmosphere of love.
“Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.” Psalm 34:21. God is our defender and protector and as the verse above states, God will take appropriate action against those who hate us. There can be no continual blessings from God for those who hate the righteous. If they hate us they must also hate God. Imagine the horrible eternal punishment they will receive if they stay in that mindset until death. They need our prayers not hate.
“Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven:...” Luke 6:22-23. Here Jesus tells us it’s a blessing to be hated for His name sake. Rejoice and leap for joy? How is that possible? By knowing your reward is great in Heaven. God Almighty promises you and me great rewards when we get to Heaven. That should be worth enduring all the hate people can throw at us.
“Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.” 1 John 3:13. The Apostle John is basically saying it should come as no surprise that the world hates those who belong to Christ. Why do they hate us so? Because they hate being convicted of sin and just hearing the word Christian or Jesus Christ convicts them. People want to be able to wallow in the muck and the mire of sin without any consequences. They especially don’t want to be told they are doing something against God.
Without a doubt Christians are being killed every day for one reason, many people hate Jesus the Messiah so much that they need a release for that hatred and Jesus’ followers make for a perfect release. Until they come to realize Satan is behind their hatred manipulating their actions they will remain in that murderous mode.
“Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” Romans 12:17-18. Love and hate make impossible bedfellows. Hate in a Christians heart will nullify the precious Gospel of Christ. Get rid of hate before it festers. Christians are to live peaceably with all men. How is that possible if we allow hatred toward our fellow man to rule our hearts? Besides that the enemy will build his stronghold in a Christians life where hated is allowed to dwell.
My dad had a great way of contending with people who displayed hatred toward him. I would say “Dad are you going to let that guy get away with that remark?” My dad’s response was always “Just consider the source and forget it Ron”. Great advice but I would go a step further. Consider that that person is probably not saved and pray for them.
“Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.” Romans 12:20. In other words, by loving your enemy you might just help bring him to the Lord. It’s all about loving others the way God loves us, unconditionally. People, for the most part that is, will respond to loving kindness with kindness. What’s that old adage? “You can attract a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar.”
The cult I mentioned above would do well to embrace loving kindness instead of spewing hate. There’s no way for Jesus to be found in the middle of such an outlandish attitude. What those folks are doing is convincing the unbelieving world that Christians are full of hate. Witnessing, as we are commanded to do, is our opportunity to promote the Gospel of Christ by sharing it with unbelievers.
Using a false gospel (one filled with hate) as a witnessing tool as the aforementioned cult provides is, simply put, folly. If hate is the message, non-believers will stay away. They already live in the world, which is full of hate, why would they want to jump from the frying pan into the fire? The lost are searching for something different, something set apart from that which they already have.
To feel anger or entertain thoughts of resentment because someone has horribly wronged you is a normal worldly response, but Christians are no longer in that category. For Christians to take a harsh stance against another person who belittles them, even during a fleeting moment of frayed emotions, is wrong. We should pray about any such situation then submit those emotions into the Holy Spirit’s most capable hands and allow Him to take control. Recompensing evil for evil is contrary to God’s word. A believer’s life is to be filled with a loving and caring attitude toward our fellow man, evil hateful attitudes are worldly. We believers have been born from above, from God; we are no longer of the world.
Is there such a thing as Christian hate? Should there be hate in a Christian’s heart? As I’ve just laid out, hate disrupts lives and destroys the love we hold for one another, even our enemies. My answer then is no. If you are a Christian today and you have hate in your heart, repent and ask the Lord for His help in removing that hate. It is God’s good pleasure to fill you with His love and joy, and in doing so He promises you peace, a much greater possession, in lieu of hate.
My final thought is this, even using that offensive word to describe something that you detest should be discouraged. Jokingly proclaiming I hate this or I hate that can give rise to an attitude of condoning instead of condemnation of a more severe and less jokingly hateful attitude. There are plenty of other ways to express one’s self without using that particular offensive word. For example, I love this and I love that. Allow love run supreme in your vocabulary.
God bless you all,
Ron Graham
All scripture is from the KJV
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Knowing God
“God doesn’t work this way”
“God’s righteousness is tainted by those in CC”
“let’s have a prayer meeting outside…… let’s inform the international pressmen”
“PG is a rogue pastor who sees himself beyond reproach….”
I am even more perplexed that the administrator at CT actually allowed some of these badly constructed comments to be published. Some of these comments actually leave a very very bitter after-taste when you close your browser!
Many people who commented at CT claimed that they know God’s way. Show me a brother who disagree with the post at CT and I will show you perhaps 50 other brothers who come attacking that gentle brother! I can even list down the names these 50 brothers would use on that one gentle brother:-
- blind follower of PG and BOD
- pro-PG supporter
- spiritually immatured
- brainwashed by PG and BOD
- lacking in faith
- have faith in PG instead of God
- trusting in PG instead of God
- and the list goes on…
How sure are we that the people who left these comments at CT are truly people who really know God?
Can that person who claimed that “God’s righteousness does not work this way” really do know God’s righteousness? Can God trust him enough to be His ambassador here? Does he read God’s Word from cover to cover at least once a year? Does he spend time in quietness and stillness before the Lord everyday? Or, does he read his Bible everyday? Or pray everyday?
People who practice all these spiritual disciplines DO reflect more of Christ in their lives.
When things go wrong, they would instead go to God in prayer and would not spend their time blogging and commenting and contributing further negative remarks on some public blogs on the Internet.
Sure, the leadership of Calvary Church, Rev Prince Guneratnam and his family, the Board of Deacons, the associate pastors, and etc, they are not perfect people, but are we perfect ourselves?
We do know one thing, that the people who commented at CT are people who have been genuinely hurt and are deeply disappointed at the leadership of CC. But what differentiate us from them is that, we choose to forgive the leadership of CC, and we choose to pray along with them till God bring about the desired breakthrough and revival to the church.
Yes, there are times when we know the anointing was absent and sometimes may have left us to fend for our own in some meetings, but it does not mean that God does not care. There are many times too, that our meetings are just mere programs that have been planned to the very minute of what to say and how to say them, but it does not mean the church will continue to be like this in the next few years, nor does it show that God is not at work.
So, we just need to continue to pray for the leadership at Calvary Church. They need fresh anointing, new revival, genuine breakthrough and spiritual awakening too. It is time we pray for them to experience all these, and not complain about them. It is seriously time we pray for them to go down on their knees and let God dictate every prayer meetings, every Sunday services, every Christian meetings in the church. Let’s pray for humility for them and for those who have been hurt and for those who want to have a proper closure to this whole thing.
But in the mean time, let’s not our speech divide further the body of Christ. Let our choice of words draw one another closer to reconciliation – and not away from it.
Let us pray.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Results of the Injunction 15 April 2010
There are times when it is best to practice discretion and check your information with trusted sources and not from any random website.
It is because of misleading information or “specific truths” information that some people were misled.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Last Friday, I went to prayer meeting at Calvary Church. I don’t know what to expect. People said it was getting from boring to more boring. But I went after my meeting anyway. It was not very crowded. Over the year, the attendance has gone down. This blog has been talking about prayer. I want to share what I felt last Friday.
Back of sanctuary was sectioned off because of few people around. When worship began, we sang songs I like, Be Magnified, O Lord, and Who Compares With You? These are great songs to sing because they focus on God. They reminded me of the words, “One day in the house of the Lord is better than a thousand days in the world”. It was so true. I was stirred. Then God asked me: “Why don’t you like coming to My prayer meeting?” The worship leader gave time for us to stand or kneel or lift our hands—do anything, but just face God and pray to Him. I just lifted my hands and asked God to fill me and forgive me. I was fed-up and discouraged...then we sang the song Be Magnified again. The verse says I have believed in a lie that God could not help me, and I had made Him too small. Too small to help me, too small to come into the bad situation of our church and do a wonderful thing. That was me. I did not want to come to prayer meeting because I was so discouraged by the things around. All the bad feelings. All the negative comments. Life group meeting is not about praying together and studying God’s Word but a gossip session about the deacons and pastors and all the stupid decisions they make...
Last Friday God spoke to me. He told me He has not skipped one prayer meeting since all this trouble started. He said boring worship leader or not boring one, He was still attending prayer meeting. When I looked around, I saw many empty seats. I thought of my friends. Just a few years ago, we all came to prayer meeting together. We even planned where to sit together after SCG. They are not here anymore. Some left the church. Some can’t be bothered to rush for prayer meeting after work.
When we prayed in groups of 3, we prayed for the Spirit to fill our hearts. I realized if God is not with us, we cannot do anything. We cannot even breathe. No need to think we can raise funds for CCC. Money is not the answer. We can have all the money we want, but our church will not be healed. But if God is with us, then we do not have to be anxious, afraid, or worried.
At the altar, a sister prayed for AGM. This AGM...I don’t know...I said to myself maybe I won’t come this time. It is not the ten hours or two hours. It is the attitude and the atmosphere. Last year EGM and AGM was so horrible. But the sister prayed, “God, our times are in Your hands”. He knows exactly what we are going through! It is a hard road, but God is with us. All through the meeting, I felt God so near to me. At the altar I realized that my life, my today, my tomorrow, everything is in His hands. He knows everything I am going through. He knows everything the church is going through. Why? Because He is the Lord. He is our God and Master.
The Lord rebuked me last Friday for my respond in the past to prayer meeting. It was the best rebuke I have got. From now on, I will attend prayer meeting. If I don’t it is for good reasons like I am outstation etc. I will remember that God is attending. It is my meeting place with Him. If worship leader is boring, I will pray for them instead of complaining and gossiping. (I am sorry I complained in the past)
We poured out our problems at the feet of God. From worship leader to groups to individuals and the altar. I felt we just poured all our tears and frustrations out to Him. I believe that He heard us. I believe that His heart is touched.
God also spoke another thing. When I look at the empty seats He said “Don’t worry. I just need a handful of faithful prayer warriors.” So we must encourage our friends to come for prayer meeting because it is good for them. But we don’t have to worry that God will not hear us if only a few of us pray. God is not interested in numbers. He is interested in hearts.
I am not writing to praise anyone or attack anyone. I don’t want to take this side or that side. All I know is Calvary Church is going through a not easy road. God wants us to take our tears to Him and pour our saddest feelings and sorrows to Him. From the way I read some of these articles here, I think God is saying something same to many of us. He wants to comfort and embrace us. He is calling this church to be down on our knees to pray to Him and seek His face.
“Down at Your feet O God is the Most High Place...” Praise the Lord! Amen.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Comment for "Try A Little Kindness":
I'm kind of glad as well that almost everyone who read CT would have an impression that CT is part of TTG. In simple terms, CT=TTG. I don't mean that I'm happy to see disunity in CC, but given a bit more of time, the true color of CT/TTG shows in their deeds & words. Perhaps this is a sign from God to show us who CT/TTG really are.
Don't you think so? Both side are claiming to have God backing up their act & cause. For example,1. CC belief CCC is God's vision; CT/TTG belief CCC is the promoting Freemason. 2. CC urge CC members to give to build God's temple; CT/TTG urge CC members don't give to CCC cause CCC is a temple for Freemason. 3. Majority CC members trust God & belief leadership in CC is God's ordained & God is in control of everything happen to His Calvary Church; CT/TTG trust God & belief it's God's Will to reject CC's leadership & so they are doing everything possible to accomplish their mission by having a gossiping blog, demonstration & taking legal action.
The differences on both sides are obvious, but certain people are just not sure how to discern of which to belief.
Don't trust anyone who ask you not to give to CCC or leave CC. Don't even trust me also if I tell you to continue attending CC & give faithfully. But use God's wisdom to discern the fruit of both party.
The Bible gave us a hint that if we show love, people will know we are of Jesus & we are His disciples. We all has the ability to discern who demonstrate love & who is not. The knowledge of us knowing who is the true disciples of Christ lies in our own discernment, but not because CT or anyone else gossip & told you that CC leadership does not show love. In many obvious way, CT/TTG ways of behaving is way too obvious of being very unloving & unchristian. One very obvious mistake by CT & TTG is, instead of looking at their selfishness & unloving manner, they kept making accusation & insinuations against CC's leadership. If I have 1 reason to doubt CC's leadership, I certainly have 100 reasons to doubt the claims & comments made by CT & TTG.
Don't you think so? I belief this site has other christian readers from other churches. If you think the CT/TTG is serving a good cause, do you like if some of them start a blog similar to CT called DUMC Today, FGA Today or SIB Today?
Try A Little Kindness
Write something really nice about Rev Prince Guneratnam, or the Board of Deacons, or the Associate Pastors, and then post it to the blog belonging to those who are not happy with Calvary Church.
Then, write something angry, or something bitter about the same group of people and post it up to the same blog.
We can assure you that none of the comments from the first attempt will get through!
The blog administrator will disapprove, or ignore every nice things you gotta say about Rev Prince Guneratnam and his team.
That is also the reason why the blog sounded a little angry and bitter, and it is reflecting as though nobody has any good things to say about the leadership of Calvary Church.
So, we are urging everyone to try a little kindness – pray for the church, and speak the Word of God to one another, and edify the body of Christ with one another.
Work towards the reconciliation of the body of Christ, and do not pass remarks that arouse anger and unforgiveness or bitterness to anyone – cuz those things are not the product of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Let Us Pray Part 2
By not dealing with the problem from the pulpit does not mean your members are not aware of it and it also does not mean they do not care any less. It also does not mean they are not affected by this whole entire boxing match. They have been frequently asked by others who are worshiping elsewhere what they are still doing in Calvary Church. They have been questioned by people everywhere and nobody seems to have any updates on the whole matter.
The silence is very deafening.
Do not stop praying for the CCC. Your church will stand behind you. Yet, do not leave them out from your decisions. They will pray for you, but just let them know WHAT to pray for. Sending “God bless the church” prayers to heaven goes nowhere. You are not covered with any intercession at all.
So, leaders of Calvary Church, if you are reading this, please, gather your members together. And pray.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
We members are praying for somebody to just stop this. What law case, now injuntion, etc etc, I fight you, you fight me goings-on are draining the church dry! When we read about our church in the newspapers, we don’t know what to think anymore. When our friends and families ask us what is going on, we don’t know how to answer anymore. Can someone please help us?
We are not against our leaders. But we wish they would talk to us more and tell us what on earth is happening? Can or not? Can you guys tells us what is going on? We don’t want to see in the papers, then only you come and make some announcement. That is not right. We would love to pray for our deacons and pastors more. We can see that you are going through tough times. Please can you let us in??
We also have friends in the ttg. They have been members for many years. Only in last few years we hear so much grumbling from them. Before that, we can remember some of them and Pastor G. were good friends. What happened? They tell us long stories about this and that...but we are thinking how come they took so long to find out...and what happened to the friendship? KO. (KO is not kopi-o... we are not starting a new group to challenge teh tarik. KO means knockout.)
Now they are going to resolve problems...you know how? Boxing match. More KOs coming.
Is that right? Before this year, we got shouting match in EGM. Terrible. But that was just the beginning! Last year, AGM went on for TWO days—more than TEN hours! (This year, I want to go home and sleep after 9pm. Some of my friends want to bring coffee and supper with them...they ta pao early, then come to church. Like this, I bring pillow) Worse, now take boxing match to law court, so everybody can see. Can Christians behave like this? Not that we like to suffer, but Jesus also suffered. He never pointed His fingers at anybody. His Body should be the same. We cannot act like the world. We must be different. If not, how can the world see that God is with us? How can they tell that we love one another as Christ loves us? We are like the body’s finger pinching the leg and saying “I hate you!” Or the body’s hand slapping its own face and saying “You are a liar!” We are crazy! We are blue black already! How much can we stand some more?
Look at our church. So many people have gone! Really, they have left and joined other churches. Now they serve there and God is blessing them. But then when we announce our AGM, they want to come back and vote! Crazy! But so many people have gone because of tears and bitter words...this is so, so sad...
I think we are already near Round 14 of our boxing match. I don’t know who will stop the fight if we keep going like this...maybe if God sees that we are going to drop dead, He will do something to save us. Maybe we should ask the church to do what the brother or sister wrote about praying all together. I heard one or two people talking about this, but nothing happened after that. Maybe we can ask for that. Let’s all come together to pray. We should seek God’s face first of all. We should go to Him and cry out to Him. If we don’t have Eddie Futch to help us, God will always help us because He promised He will not leave us or abandon us! LET’S ALL PRAY FOR OUR BELOVED CALVARY CHURCH!
Let Us Pray
There were way too many “qualified” people making remarks such as “we should have …. “, “they should have….” or, “they should not have…..”
At coffee shops, online chats, MSN, or Skype, or at Murni SS2, or any other mamak stall, you see and hear people giving their opinions of what has happened to Calvary Church recently.
There were way too many people giving too many versions of what actually happened, but too few people who really want to go shake hands with one another and unite everybody together. Too many people think they know better, and too few people wanna do what is right.
One party shouting “they do not want to reconcile!!!” and the other party whispering, “we can’t make it to the appointment yet, but they do not want to wait for us to give them another date”.
To be frank we do not know what happened behind closed doors, but we do know that some facts are exaggerated by some parties, while other facts are hidden by some parties.
There were too much anger shared and spread, and too much unforgiveness and bitterness dividing the body of Christ. This caused many of us to think, “what happen to the message of the cross? Has it really been effective??” And this is an insult because our God is greater than all the problems faced by Calvary Church or anyone else at the moment!!
By now, there isn’t anymore who’s right and who’s wrong. Everyone who has passed some form of judgmental remarks at least once is guilty of spreading division to the church in one way or another. Is this truly God’s will??
Christ died for His church – which is His bride – and His body - and He does not need to do it again and again. Are we doing God a favour by passing some unkind remarks on some anonymous blogs? Do we really think that God approve our actions of pointing fingers at one another, screaming and shouting, “you’re wrong!!”
The silent majority – which we represent accurately – would want to see this whole saga comes to an end NOW, if not sooner. We do not need anymore Christian cowards (an obvious oxymoron) hiding behind some anonymous moniker and passing some ghostly divisive remarks for the whole world to read.
So, we appeal to members of the Body of Christ, to pray for healing for Calvary Church – on both sides of the divide. Neither should we see each other as “that side” or “this side”, or “support or oppose”, or “against or for” and etc etc!! We should all go down on our knees and plead God for His forgiveness because we have been unkind to one another.
You in the SCG department, you have moved out and moved on, do not teach others to backbite against Calvary Church and do not encourage anyone to leave the church!! That’s NOT your call!!
You who were once in the CW department! You have moved out and move on, so do not send out anymore emails stating how badly you have been used by the leaders! You were a blessing once, so be a blessing now, and do not build up bitterness in your heart anymore. Move on and smile! It’s NOT worth it!
You, who used to sing in the choir of God’s goodness, now don’t you dare sing of how you were a second class citizen in Calvary Church! God saw you and you had a first class citizenship in heaven, so rejoice for that fact!!!
And you who once served as a lifegroup leader, repent and do not mislead your (ex) lifegroup members by your divisive actions!
You in the communications department, DO NOT communicate negative remarks about Calvary Church to those in other churches. Calvary Church belongs to God and not to you. Why are you criticizing God’s work in Calvary Church? Can you do a better job than God? If not then shut up!!
You who were once a ministry leader and now serving as a leader in another church, stop and pause and have a good closure to your past. Do NOT bring your bitterness over to your new church! They are innocent! Repent.
To you who are reading this, please please pray for Calvary Church.
If you are a leader of Calvary Church and you are reading this, come on, organize a prayer meeting and plead heaven for forgiveness. There is no breakthrough in your causes because you have not prayed enough and you have not done enough. You have not mobilize your intercessors enough, and you have not seek God enough. Your members are not too well informed to pray enough for you.
Your members love you and they are united with you. Leverage on that! They will be more than happy to intercede and pray for you, but let them know what is happening. They may be sheep, but you are also a sheep yourself. So, let’s ask the Great Shepherd to help us. We need to get out from this mess. It is damaging us for far too long.
So, we ask you who are reading this, please pray. Either you support those who oppose the church, or you support the leadership of Calvary Church, it does not matter because you belong to the Body of Christ and it is your duty to pray for healing for Calvary Church.
Here are some prayer points to assist you. May you be led by the Holy Spirit to pray accordingly.
- Leadership of Calvary Church
- (ex)members and regular worshippers who have moved on
- existing members of Calvary Church
- brothers and sisters who have been genuinely hurt for carelessness on “both sides”
May God bless His church and may the church heal fast enough for a great major revival breakthrough in Malaysia!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Calvary One: Unity In One
If you are looking for some juicy news, we have some for you.
The Calvarites who served in the Good Friday and Sunday morning Easter sunrise services are very happy people!! No, they are not sad, neither were they angry at their Senior Pastor!
We have heard many people passing such remarks:-
“Mr Chan is still worshipping at Calvary Church. Poor dumb sheep, he doesn’t know what he is doing. He must be a pro-SP supporter. I pity him.”
“Ms Tan is not leaving Calvary Church. She is very blind. Those Calvarites do not know the truth and they are blinded to the truth.”
“Hey, I pity our friends who are still there. When are they ever going to grow spiritually and learn to see that SP is a wicked man?”
“I am disappointed with Mr Lim! He is such a disgrace! When I talk to him about the necessity to leave Calvary Church, he defended SP! How can??”
“We have left the music and creative arts department and the church altogether! We are waiting to see how it is going to collapse under the son-in-law’s leadership!!”
Guess what, they DO NOT need your pities and sympathies. This past weekend’s services said it all – they are happy people with very happy attitude and a very happy reason to celebrate a happy season!
They have chosen to suffer alongside their senior pastors and their church. Ask any members who were involved in the production, ask those who served breakfast, ask those who helped ushered guest, visitors and members, ask the car park attendant – you can see a great spirit of unity among them.
See the smiles on their faces! And hear them exchanging testimonies with one another! That is a true feeling of belonging, and certainly, they have chosen to stay with their church through tough times! They have God’s joy in them, and God’s joy has given them strength to go through times like these when their senior pastors have been badly bashed on the Internet.
They are certainly not blind nor sad people, and they are certainly sheep who are trusting the Jesus the Good Shepherd to lead them to the Promised Land. They are not perfect and they do not require our sympathy. They reflected a trusting heart in Jesus. God Himself will lead Calvary Church out from this storm!
Oh, some TTG supporters who signed the memorandum have confirmed with us that there are LESS THAN 100 signatures on the memorandum!! And you know, there are less than 80 people who turned up on that day to hand the memorandum to SP! What you see in the newspaper, is more or less, that’s about it!
No wonder the bible says in 1 Peter 5:8, “be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
Yeah, he roared like a roaring lion, but he is not a lion at all!
God bless you all and may we reflect the power of the resurrection in our lives!
(And stop all those babbling online! It reflects a dead cross!!!)
Jesus’ respond to this little girl’s goodnight prayer, “IF? IF? Nahh little girl. You’re not sincere. I can’t forgive you”. (don’t you thank God that this is just fictional???!!)
A young teenage boy romanticizing his girlfriend, “dear, I will love you with all my life. Can’t wait to spend my life with you. If I have said anything, or may do anything that may make you unhappy, please forgive me?” Unfortunately, his girlfriend’s reply, “IF? What do you mean “IF”? You’re not sincere!! No, I am not going to forgive you! Let’s break up!!”
A secretary thanking her boss for a bonus she just received, “Boss, thank you for this blessing. The money will come in handy. If I have done anything that wasn’t right in the past year, please forgive me. I meant to do well.” Her boss’ reply, “IF? What do you mean “IF”? You’re not sincere enough! No, I am not going to forgive you. Hey, someone, please advertise for the position of a new secretary! This one is not sincere enough despite a bonus!!”
A businessman, waiting anxiously to clinch a deal that will bring a new breakthrough to his business, was asked to wait for the decision from one of his big time customer. The wait was agonizing. So, he prayed, “Father God, bless the business. It is Yours Oh Lord! If I have sin in my life, please forgive me. I do not know why I have to wait so long for their decision, but if I have done anything that is not right in their eyes and in Your eyes, please forgive me”. God’s respond, “IF? That’s not sincere enough! No I can’t forgive you”.
Let’s reverse the role a little bit.
A member of a church walking up to his priest and say, “father, thanks for praying for me last week. I just want to say sorry if I have done anything that may have offend you in the past few months. Please forgive me”. The father’s respond, “IF? You must show sincerity whenever you apologise. Because you did not show sincerity, I can’t forgive you”.
We thank God that all the above scenarios are just mere fictional! But this is the exact measure that Rev Prince Guneratnam had been judged last year when he made a public apology in their Sunday morning Easter service. His “IF… I have offended anyone” was discussed and analyzed at great length by some. And these people have judged the “no, we shall not forgive him” sentence on him. Worst, we read things like, “let’s youtube him!” and etc with regards to this. Isn’t this a very childish and un-Christlike act?
Didn’t Jesus forgive Peter prior to his three times denial?
Didn’t Jesus forgive Judas before the great betrayal took place?
Didn’t Jesus plead with the Father for forgiveness on the Roman soldiers even though the Roman soldiers did not say, “I am sorry”?
Didn’t Jesus forgive us all, even before we confess our sins and accept Him to be our Saviour, and saving us from eternal damnation?
So, what right do we have to say to Prince Guneratnam, “You used the word “IF” in your apology. So we cannot forgive you!”.
With the measure we judge others, with the same measure we will be judged also.
Here is what the Bible says about this, in a very serious tone.
1You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.3So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?
5But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. 6God "will give to each person according to what he has done."[a] 7To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.
Anyone who does not accept the public apology made by Rev Prince Guneratnam, but instead teaches others to do the same, is in a grave danger of facing God’s wrath.
So dear readers, IF we have written anything that may prick your hearts and arouse your anger, we are sorry, please forgive us.
The scripture above is taken from Romans 2:1-8.
Friday, April 2, 2010
But then what happens after that? We will rejoice that Jesus came to save sinners and wash us clean from sin...then when we get home, we will switch on our computers and start reading blogs that tell us our pastors are horrible, our deacons are horrible...and Calvary Church is dying. We will call our friends to gossip about the latest rumour... “Wahh, you know, so-and-so has been called to the witness stand la...”, “Aiyoh...you don’t know how they hide things from us lah”, “Ai say, you got hear about the $$$$ in the bank account ahh??”
I think we got to be consistent here, ok? Either Jesus has really die for us, been resurrected and now cleanse us from all sin...or He is not! Either we all are brothers and sisters in Christ...or we are not! Either we forgive other people who injure and hurt us...or we do not! Cannot be sometimes yes, sometimes no. If we are so double-minded, then who is Jesus Christ to us? How can God answer our prayers then?
I don’t like what is happening to Calvary Church. When I read this blog and that blog, I am sad that our church problems cannot seem to end. We are a quarrelling family. That is not what God wants for us as His children. We cannot behave like we have so many ‘rights’. If someone does not give us our ‘rights’, then we start shouting and screaming like little children throwing tantrums. We cannot behave like we own everything also. If people don’t like it, then too bad, they can go somewhere else. You know, both attitudes are no good.
Jesus never behaved like that. He was firm but kind. He was outspoken, but knew when to keep His peace. He always knew what to do and how to do it. I wish we were more like Him. He prayed to God, looked to God and focused on God to answer Him. He never looked to man or asked the Romans to give Him a helping hand! How come we do these things today? We cannot handle an AGM (only once a year!), then we go and rent a lawyer... we don’t like the debit and credit columns that we see, then we start shouting, “CBT! CBT!” Worse, we didn’t see our names on some list, we call reporters to take pictures, man! What are we coming to?
I think I am fed-up already. I think many of you are too. Sure, there are hurts...on all sides. Sure, sometimes, we want things to be done better and clearer...sure, sure, sure! But can we try to settle these things as Christians, and not “worse than the unbelievers”? People are looking at us. Some feel sorry for us. Some are laughing away. What have we done to Jesus’ reputation? I don’t know how Calvary Church is going to stand on Judgement Day before God. What are we going to tell God? How come as brothers and sisters—closer even than flesh and blood relatives in Jesus’ Name!—we cannot settle things with sacrifice and humility? How come must go to police and court? I don’t understand how this glorifies God.
No, no and no! Let’s stop this. Let’s close this. Ok? Why not we ordinary Calvarites who love our church call up and sms our leaders and tell them this: LET’S CLOSE THIS! I think we are the majority. Correct? For the sake of Jesus’ glory, let’s call everyone we know and tell them that it is time to stand united! We don’t want anymore nonsense quarrelling! We don’t want anymore shouting, police report, court case and what have you! Stop all this!
We want reconciliation.
We want to see the quarrelling sides shake hands and restore fellowship.
We want Wong Hong Meng and Senior Pastor to say to each other: “I love you and forgive you.” In public!
We want our church back again!
Leaders and ttg, are you listening? Don’t let this Easter go by without something good being done in Jesus’ Name.
Swallow your pride! Humble yourselves! Be reconciled!
Why I'm Still in Calvary
What about Calvary Church? From the membership update, it is just so clear to me that the sheep have been scattered. The bible says that happens when the shepherd has been struck (Matthew 26: 31). The update is not about a witch hunt like some people say...it’s a factual description of the sad things that have been going on in our church for too long.
Last Sunday, we noticed how empty the pews were during service. Some people said it was because many families had gone home for Ching Ming. Well...is it only this year that people go back to hometown for Ching Ming? How come it’s this year that we noted the empty seats?
People have asked me: “Why are you still in this terrible church? When are you going to leave?” I get so mad when they do this! If they want to leave, they should leave, but please, don’t go round encouraging others as well! I tell them that this church may be going through tough times, but it is still the Body of Christ! And as members of the church, I am not going to desert anyone by running off elsewhere! When Calvary Church was doing well, I was part of the Body. Now that it is not doing so well, I am still part of the Body. Now I’m not judging anyone for their actions...all I’m saying is this: through thick or thin, I’m here to stay! The only way I’ll leave is when I hear God telling me straight that I have to go...and not when people ask me annoying questions, not when people tell me nasty things about the leaders...I’m in Calvary Church because it is important for me, ordinary member, to show that I can be faithful like Jesus was faithful. I don’t want to be a fair weather friend, and I don’t want to give up on my leaders just because they aren’t perfect.
Now we come to this perfect-imperfect part. I know for a fact that the pastors in Calvary Church are totally imperfect. That’s because they are human. Sometimes, they really annoy me you know...but sometimes, I annoy them too! But just because they are human, I’m not going to accuse them of all kinds of rotten things. No way. I want to remember that when I was sick, they prayed for me, visited me. When I didn’t go for life group, they asked me how come. (Ok, they bugged me about it...) When I stayed away from prayer meeting, they reminded me about prayer. And when my family members passed away, they turned up in full force to see me through bereavement. I know they only have two hands and one head each. They can’t do everything for me. But I guess I understand that, and I’m grateful for what they can do for me. They got a high model to live up to: Jesus is the One and Only Perfect Shepherd. When my pastors disappoint me, I pray that God will remind them of Jesus, the Great Shepherd. That’s all. I won’t write nasty things about them on some blog, and I won’t be talking to any newspaper reporter about them...I will just pray for them...
Perfect-imperfect also applies to the BOD. Hey, these guys aren’t anywhere near perfect. Sometimes, I don’t understand them...I may not always agree with their decisions...but I know some of them, and I can tell you, NO WAY are they liars or vindictive! I pray for them because I sympathise with them. Before one problem is solved, Bang! another problem comes their way. Hey, they have work and family commitments too. You think it’s easy for them to just sit and take all the things thrown at them and not reply in anger? Then walk in their shoes for one day...you will change your mind real quick, friend.
Now...perfect-imperfect members. The silent majority have not spoken for a long time...that’s because we got this silly resolution that says no blogging about church. But I can’t take it anymore. Somebody has to say something to put the picture straight! Hey, there are many of us that want the church to move on and just stop fighting! So very sorry to church resolution...but this imperfect member got to say something on the blog, ok?
Next time, I will write something else. Today, I just want to say why I am still in Calvary Church. I want the leaders to know that I will walk with them. I will not desert them (even when I don’t understand them). I will not badmouth them to anyone. Most of all, I want God to look down from heaven to see that even a small-time, unimportant, imperfect, very ordinary member like me, can show the same faithfulness to my hurting church that Jesus showed to me. This is my service to Him!
Our Beloved Sister Petrina Guneratnam
But there is a group of us who is of the opinion that she is also one approved and anointed by the Lord to lead the ladies of the church. We have spoken to a few ladies who attend Tuesday Ladies Worship Services regularly and they have very good things to say about her. You can be sure some of these ladies do not know how to go online and cannot differentiate a UBS from a UPS!
When she was first accused of a CBT, she does not even know what CBT means! As far as we know, she would probably have drafted a sermon that looks like this..
Bears all my
Confess your sins to Him
Bow before Him
Turn your eyes upon Him
That is her heart - a heart for Jesus. She preaches Jesus. She prays in the name of Jesus. She lives a Jesus-led life and is blessed with a family who loves her and cherishes her.
She has a group of ladies who are interceding for her, and a group of intercessors who are regularly praying for her to be strong. We could not ask for anyone else to be our Senior Pastors other than Sister Petrina at times like these. God sees it fit to use her and Rev Prince Guneratnam to lead Calvary Church into greater realms for Jesus.
A lady went up to her after Friday prayer meeting and asked for prayer. Her husband was going through some tough times in his business. Sister prayed for her. The lady felt blessed. But what surprised her was a phone call from Sister Petrina the next day to see if there is any development to his business situation!! And did we mention that it happened when the attacks from people who oppose her got worst? How did she get that strength to follow her on the sheep of Calvary Church? Definitely Jesus! Her source of strength and joy.
A lawyer has been absent from the church because she was often traveling due to her business commitments. She had no idea what was happening to Calvary Church and had no idea Sister noticed her absence from the church! She called her and that was just a perfect timing because the lawyer was fighting a case for a client whose integrity was questionable! Only the wisdom of Jesus would have given Sister to speak the right word at the right time. Wisdom comes from the Lord and it does not come unless one has a relationship with the Lord!
At one Sunday services back in the late 1990s, two young girls went to church with heavy hearts. They have walked to church from their homes which were located at about an hour’s walk away. Public transportation to Calvary church at that time was scarce and infrequent. After the sermon, the two girls responded to the altar call. Sister walked up to one of the girl and prayed. As she was praying for one of them, one of the girl received the baptism of the Holy Spirit that very day!! Moments after that, Sister Petrina walked up the stage, took the microphone and gave a word from the Lord. It pricked the heart of the second girl! God spoke an accurate message – a message the girl was dying to hear from the Lord!
How can one be such a beautiful blessing unless one is of the Lord? Does she still have that gifting today? Another loud YESSSSSSS!!
We know leading the church out of the miry clay into the promised land is a tough job. But none is tougher and fitter to lead Calvary Church other than Rev Prince and Petrina Guneratnam for now, until God says otherwise. For now, they are both in our prayers and our hearts.